Crowdstrike – was it really the problem?

For folks not into tech, I’ll go ahead and answer the headline: No. Ok, all the luddites gone? Ok? Let’s go. The TLDR is Crowdstike makes anti-malware software. Some may call it anti-virus, but the capabilities of these packages has far surpassed simple virus scanning and interdiction. These are complicated products that utilize complicated mathematical …

Dorky dork dork stuff (Virtualization stuff)

Update!: If you got here looking for a Code 43 fix, scroll to the bottom So a few months ago, I embarked on a hack to pass my NVidia GTX 1060 through to Windows 10 running a Virtual Machine on my PC. The entire aim was to stop running Windows as the primary operating system, …

What happens when I don’t have a car to tinker with…

An interesting confluence of events occurred. With the departure of the Buick for Riyadh, I’m left with no project. Even when that car isn’t broken, there’s always something to do on it. Something to improve, inspect, or clean. So what do I do with myself now? Well, I cleaned the garage out so the girlfriend …

Why you should be careful managing your RAID

Shifting gears a bit from the normal fare, here! I have computers at home. A few of them. There my desktop, which is an HP Pavilion case, but the HP motherboard died, so I swapped in a new one, so it really isn’t a HP Pavilion anymore. My girlfriend has a Lenovo mini-tower that’s probably …